"Can Microbes Eat Away Our Plastic Problem?"
In a world where plastic is becoming a major problem, there's no doubt that we're in need of a fix. Is there any solution that could address the waste we're created?

Chromesthesia/Synesthesia Video: "Blue World"
Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where the experience of one sense initiates another. There are many types of synesthesia including grapheme-color and spatial sequence, and this video explores chromesthesia.
Chromesthesia is when sound evokes visual experiences such as movement. In this video, the flow of water is heavily synchronized to a beat.

Chromesthesia/Synesthesia Video: "Blue World City"

As part of the Chromesthesia/Synesthesia series, this is yet another video that is heavily synchronized to music.
"Blue World City" is a futuristic, holographic city where everything is in sync. Everything is blue. As the city continues to be built with music and other positive sound frequencies, a beautiful metropolis is created.
Cry me a river
Starry eye
Starry Eye Video.mp4